How Data Analytics Is Impacting Hotels and Improving Decision Making

When it comes to hotels, it is always hospitality at its very best. And as individuals, we never stop to crave for the best at all times. The need for this has offered hoteliers more data than they can handle, making it an under-appreciated asset and in most cases, hotels lack the knowledge of how data can heavily impact their businesses. 

However, with the inception of 5-star hotels and fierce competition in this part of the business world, hoteliers are beginning to take a look at how data analytics can be used to help understand not just the basic needs of their customers, but also their individual and collective preferences and the basic things that are needed to help attract new customers.

Being a big game changer, the use of data analytics is impacting hotels in so many ways by improving their decision-making process. In order to enlighten you the more about this, right here we will be taking you through the ways through which data analytics is impacting hotels. With this, you will be convinced that data analytics is no doubt the Holy grail that hotels have been missing for quite some time.

Here are some of ways data analytics has been impacting hotels 

1. Customer Segmentation

Just like in every other business, customers are different in several ways. Being able to specifically highlight the features of your present customers will help you in determining their possible desires whenever they come around. Data analytics has been able to make this a reality. 

With data analytics, hotels are now able to use their data to segment their customers who only come around for business purposes and will only book an hotel room overnight and those that are visiting to have a taste of hospitality and might be staying for a longer period of time. Fore knowledge of this has been able to help hotels prepare ahead. 

2. Customer Profiling 

In the hotel industry, data analytics has been able to help acquire guest demographics, their possible lifestyles, levels of income, cultural interests, sport activities, and general lifestyle. With all these, hotels are now able to carry out customer profiling which is used to create an email list of their customers and prospective clients.

Also, with the aid of data analytics, this can be used to determine those customers or clients that have a high tendency of responding to your promotional offers. Likewise, data analytics can be used to determine the segments of the market that are most profitable and productive.

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